
131 - You Don't Trust Masculine Energy To Take Care Of You

Anabell Ingleton | Feminine Leadership Coach helping women undo masculine patterns & master their femininity.

This episode is going to change your life.

I'm sharing exactly why the beautiful masculine energy of money and men feel difficult for you to attract. and men have masculine energy. They each protect and provide for you, the feminine. And if you don't have either of them in abundance, in this episode I'm going to explain why this is happening. 

Listen to learn exactly what all the symptoms are of someone who doesn't trust masculine energy, why this started, how to stop it and how trusting and loving masculine energy will transform your life forever!!!

Click here to listen to the podcast mentioned in this episode on Attachment Styles.

Click here for the full show notes.

Click here for the full show transcript pdf. 


STOP dating like the world & date according to The Word. There isn’t a shortage of Godly men out there. You've just been attracting and picking the wrong ones because you've been using a worldly strategy. It's time you experienced the love God wants for you. Segura is the program where I share how I believe you can date, connect with and choose to the right man for you. Click here to download the program now.

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Hey, my friends. Welcome back to the Blooming podcast. This is gonna be a really big game changing episode for you If you are a strong, very smart, very independent woman, especially if you're a very successful woman that has her stuff together, but romantic relationships have not really been well for you. If you've been divorced, if relationships are a struggle, if you're attracting guys, but you don't ever keep them, If you keep them, but they feel really unsafe and they you don't trust guys, this episode is for you. If you notice the title, I'm talking about why masculine energy feels unsafe for you or when masculine energy feels unsafe. And I'm going to explain why this is happening, what the symptoms are, what it looks like in your life. If if if you're dealing with, an uneasiness or an inability to trust masculine energy where this started, how to stop it, and exactly how to never let it happen again, and how to feel really, really safe with masculine energy, and why you need to, why you want to feel safe with masculine energy.

So first of all, I want to start off by talking about why, what the symptoms are. How do you know that you don't trust masculine energy? Well, what is masculine energy?

Masculine energy is protecting, providing. Things that make like the energy from somebody or something that makes you feel safe, that makes you feel protected, it's this strong energy of provision. It's the ability to receive things. It's the ability to feel loved and feel safe with things. And this can be with a man. This can be with work. This can be with yourself.

This can be with people. So basically masculine energy is this beautiful energy that provides for you, and it's an energy that loves you, and it's an energy that makes you feel secure and it makes you feel safe. If you have a life where you don't feel safe anywhere you go, if you feel like you can't trust people, if you feel like you can't depend on others, if you feel like you can't depend on yourself, if you feel like you have a job, especially with a job, if you have a job and you work really long hours, if you feel like you don't make enough money, this is, or you feel like you have to work really hard for money. If you If the story in your brain is I have to work hard to get to make up money or to even make ends meet, this is an inability to trust masculine energy. So I'm gonna explain some symptoms of what your life looks like if you can't trust masculine energy, the energy that protects, the energy that provides. Why is this happening? But first, let's talk about symptoms.

What your life will look like if this is the case for you. And ladies, I want to I'm talking about this topic because one, this was me my entire life. I never knew what, if you're a daughter of especially if you're Latina, I know a lot of you that follow me are Latinas like me. A lot of us are first or even just immigrants, or if you are a first generation person, child, that comes from, like, let's say a broken home or you're the first family the first generation in your family to, like, actually, like, break out of, let's say another country or just has more success than than than your parents did. Us who have come from, from a family that, is broken from divorce or from another country, we tend to not trust masculine energy. And if you came from a family that our parents are divorced or if you came from a family with parents that were, abusive, neglect full, controlling things like that. This You probably have some of these symptoms, so listen up. Okay? So I'm going to list some symptoms of what your life looks like when you probably when you don't trust masculine energy, when masculine energy feels unsafe or unable to be trusted.

Symptoms are you work really hard at work. You work really long hours. And when you work really hard and you work really long hours, you still don't make enough money. Okay? Money feels hard to manage. Money feels hard to earn in abundance. Money feels hard to invest or to like you don't have a really good relationship with money and you have a career that you don't like, but it makes you money or it just you're not doing the job that you really love. Okay? That's a symptom of having masculine energy or not trusting masculine energy. Okay? Feeling unsafe with masculine energy.

If you're choosing men with potential, you do not trust masculine energy. Okay? So if you're choosing men that never you feel like they don't love you enough or they can't provide enough, they can't lead, this is a sign of of masculine energy. Okay? Or not trusting masculine energy. If you feel under loved, if you feel unsafe in this world, if you feel like you're not loved and cared for, you're always complaining of like, no one loves me enough. I don't feel safe in this world.

No one supports me. No one takes care of me.

This is a sign. If you can't if it's if you find it really difficult to trust a man or follow a man or respect a man, another symptom. If you if you don't make a lot of money, I think I talked about this, or you struggle to make money. Like, if it's if you're in that feast and famine cycle of money, like, you have it, but then it it feels like it slips through your fingers, this is a sign. This is a symptom. If you hate your job. K? If you literally don't like what you do and you can't ever find a job that you love, you're not working in a career that you love, or you know what you want to do but you can't do it, this is a sign. If you don't have a lot of time freedom, if you feel like you never have enough free time, if you feel like you're always rushed, if you feel like you can't be patient with time, if you can't just slow down, if you find it really hard to have to create free time for yourself, meaning you find it hard to take vacations, you find it hard to just allow yourself to rest, and if you do rest, your brain is still going and you don't allow yourself the the ability to, like, take a vacation and just rest without beating yourself up and then having being in a hurry later. Okay? If chaos for you is really normal, if calmness feels boring to you, if easy feels boring, meaning what this will look like is, let's say you even like with men, you meet a great guy and he's really nice and he's and he's very into you, but he feels like, ugh, like there's something wrong with him.

He feels boring. If if easy feels boring or if doing something that's gonna, like, scale your business or grow you in some way, you don't do it. Like, you sabotage it. Okay? Chaos, like it can't there's you have this belief that it can't be easy and you make things hard. You make things hard by creating chaos. You create chaos by sabotaging.

Usually, you sabotage it by not following through, by being doubtful, by having a negative mindset about it, by believing it can't be that easy. There's no way it'll work for me. And not even doing the thing that you know you see works for other people, but you don't do it for yourself. Okay? If you don't invest in yourself, meaning let's say you want to go to therapy and you know you need therapy, but you're not doing it. If you know you want a man, you want a partner, and you're terrified to be in a relationship, your masculine energy feels unsafe for you. Okay? If you know you want to invest in yourself by, like you have money, say, in the savings and you know that you can grow it, but you're not doing it.

If, if you want to invest in your mental health or you want to invest in yourself in terms of starting a side hustle because you know that if you do this thing, you have an idea, it will, like, totally make you money and you're not doing it. You are you are masculine energy. The ability to provide for you or protect you feels unsafe. Okay? If you attract beta men, meaning guys that are really feminine, guys that are really, like for lack of a better term, I was talking to somebody about this, yesterday, and it's it's a think of a guy that's, like, super nice guy, but you don't respect him and you attract these beta guys that are nice, but you're like, ugh. Like, I'm not attracted to him. It's just really and it's not even about being dorky.

It's not about being super nice. It's a guy that doesn't he's weak. He's not strong. You don't find him sexy. You don't respect him. These beta guys that don't lead, that aren't confident, they're they're like, they almost like, they turn you off. And I I call them, like, dry as a desert guys.

I say this because they don't turn you on. Okay? You're not you're not attracted to them, but you attract these guys and they always want you. These guys are beta guys are guys that are they don't lead. They don't make a lot of money. They don't have a lot of confidence. They're they take the easy way out.

They're, for lack of a better term, the losers, the liars, the little boys. They need moms. They need coaches. They need therapy. They need they need you. Or you feel like they just need you and they can be better. It's these guys with potential. Okay? And you repel masculine guys.

So the guys that you want, these guys that are they provide, they protect, they're strong, they know how to love, they're emotionally available, they're consistent, they're patient, They have their stuff together. But you mess when I say repel, you either these guys don't come to you because you have a lot of end up You end up pushing them away in some way.

You chase after them. You again, it's another way of sabotaging. You get something good, but then you push it away. Okay? And then lastly, you have a lot of masculine energy. You've heard me talk about masculine energy so much. The masculine energy is this over functioning, this overdoing, this leader, provider, protector.

Listen, masculine energy is really great to have, ladies. I want all my clients I've worked with over 500 women. My clients have amazing, amazing masculine energy.

You know how to provide for yourself. You know how to lead yourself. You're successful. You get things done. You're organized. You're a planner. Like, this really great analyzer, thinker, doer energy. Right? A lot of you guys are like this.

And, so you're really successful in life, but you're unsuccessful in romantic relationships. You have too much masculine energy with guys and so you're repelling the masculine guys and you're attracting the, what I call, potentials. If this is the case for you, you have for you, masculine energy feels unsafe and it doesn't feel okay to trust. So I want to explain to you why this is happening. You're feeling I want I want you to to also see that when when you when masculine energy feels unsafe, you're feeling really frustrated. You're working really hard. You're you feel like you never get a day off.

Like your brain never gets a day off. Your body never gets a day off. You're always thinking of the next thing. You don't feel supported. You don't feel taken care of. You don't feel loved and you don't trust. More than anything, you don't trust.

But the thing that I want you to notice is if this feels if this sounds like you, you don't one of the biggest things is that you don't trust yourself. You don't trust your intuition. You're not trusting yourself to provide. You're not trusting yourself to do the things that you know you need to do that are gonna help you, you know, lose the weight, make the money, get the guy. You you keep on sabotaging. You're not trusting yourself, and it's really frustrating. You're really it's like, I know what to do, but I don't do it.

This is what masculine energy feels like. It's really, really frustrating. This is what this is what not trusting masculine energy feels like.

So why is this happening? Why do you know what to do, but you don't do it? I want you to think of it like you have an internal leader in you, like you're a parent in you, and you want to trust yourself to take the lead and take charge and get the guy, lose the weight, start the business, make the money, rest, you know, do the side hustle. Whatever it is that you want to do. But more specifically, I'm really talking to you ladies that, that are we're talking about romantic relationships, but this applies in in all the other areas of your life too. So you really want this amazing relationship with a man. You know that the benefits of having a romantic relationship with a man.

You my clients love men. None of us are none of my clients are men haters. We see the value in men. We love men. We we see the value in relationships. You understand that a romantic partnership with a great guy will not only make you better, but you will make him better. You know how to take care of a guy.

You know exactly what he needs. You know what to do. You know how much it'll benefit your children. If you're a single mom like me, you know the benefits of being in a relationship and how beneficial it is for everybody involved. And you want to have this amazing masculine energy in your life. But the reason it's not happening, I want you to notice is, like, you have an internal system where you have what's called insecure attachment. This is why it's not this is why it isn't working for you.

You have masculine energy. Okay? When you, have insecure attachment. And, you when you have insecure attachment, you don't trust masculine energy. Okay? When you when you trust masculine energy, you have what's called secure attachment. So I wanna describe to you, I wanna explain to you why this is happening, but specifically, if you're somebody who wants to make more money, you want to work less, you want to follow through on your goals, you want to do the things that you you wanna start the business, you wanna lose the weight. Right? You need to be able to have to trust masculine energy.

In other words, you need to trust yourself to lead, to make these decisions for yourself. And if you want masculine energy in your life, meaning you want a man that is a provider, that is a protector, that is ready for a relationship, that knows how to love, that is consistent, that will commit, that is patient with you, that even though you have all these quirky, you know, idiosyncrasies about yourself, even though you're messy and imperfect, he will still love you regardless, and you will love him regardless. This is masculine energy. You want a man this way like this. Okay? And you're tired of these guys with potential. You're tired of the guys that don't that that love you good, but don't have their stuff together.

You're tired of getting seeing and meeting the guys that have their stuff together, but they're not ready for a relationship. They don't know how to love. They don't know how to be emotionally available. Love you and receive love. And you're really frustrated. Or with yourself, you're rest, and providing for yourself money, like rest and providing for yourself money, okay, for yourself and and getting yourself that partner that you want. And but the reason this isn't happening is because you have internally, you have insecure attachment. K? If you want masculine energy in your life, you need you need to be securely attached.

When you're securely attached, you choose men that are totally ready for a relationship and you follow through on your promises to yourself. You can provide for yourself really well and you love yourself really well. So I want to explain to you why this is happening, and what insecure attachment is. So you're born with an internal attachment system. Everybody is. Everybody has an attachment system in their body. Okay? This is a survival mechanism built into babies' bodies in order to help you stay alive and stay safe.

Think of your attachment system as a big internal magnet that's created in a baby so that your magnet can connect to the person or people that will feed you, care for you, love you, and raise you. Okay? And think of this attachment system. It's like a big magnet that points outward and it draws their parents to them so that the parent's magnet can connect to you and they'll see you, they'll love you, and they'll keep you safe and secure. So everybody has an attachment system. And when you attach to your parents, it's secure. Boom. Mom and dad see you.

They love you. They're like, We just had this beautiful baby girl. We're going to connect to you. And when your parents give you the love and security that you need, you have security. You feel like you are loved. You feel very secure. You trust masculine energy.

You trust your provider to take care of you. Okay? If your parent has a full sense of love and security within herself, within himself, your parents. Okay? If their attachment system is facing outward too, and it looks to your it's baby. It looks to you and it says, this is my baby. It looks to you with gentleness, with patience, and it takes on the role of caretaker very happily and very easily.

Your guys' magnets connect. They attach, they connect, and they transfer love to each other. Mom and dad are always going to show up for you consistently. They're going to love you consistently and they're going to provide for you consistently. Okay? And you're going to feel a full, full sense. Your attachment system is going to feel fully loved, fully safe, fully provided for, and it's gonna be very secure.

You're gonna your internal system of baby is always gonna feel like, whenever I need mom, mom and dad are here for me. Whenever I need love, they love me. Whenever I need food, they give it to me. Whenever I need sleep, they give it to All your needs get met. Whenever I need a home, I have it. When I need encouragement, I get it. Okay? And this creates a secure attachment system inside.

Now when you grow up, mom and dad are always loving you, your entire childhood. And then when you grow up and you go into the world and you are an adult, you're a teenager or you're an adult, when you go out into the world, you know exactly how to take care of yourself. Why? Because mom and dad showed you. How did they show you? By the way that they took care of you. You know how to cook, you know how to clean, you know how to love yourself, you know how to calm yourself, you know how to soothe yourself, you know how to work.

You saw mom and dad go to work and come home and always just show up for you in every way. Homework, clothes, food, encouragement, guidance, church, God, everything. Okay? And now when you go out into the world, you know how to think. You know how to problem solve. You know how to provide for yourself because you saw it modeled for you really well. And most importantly, when you grew up in a securely attached home, this is typically a home where mom and dad were both present.

Mom and dad, you saw the dynamic of mom and dad loving each other, and they were dad was working and providing and protecting mom and mom was whether she worked or didn't work, whatever beautiful dynamic, every household is different. Whether mom was a stay at home mom or mom worked, they worked as a team to take care of you. And you learned what a healthy romantic partnership looks like. What men and women, how they work together, how they love each other, how they stay together, how they work through conflicts, how they just last and they thrive and how they feel good and they're affectionate. I mean, you just got modeled just such wonderful life. Right? Mom and dad together, and then you got you got shown and you felt very, very loved and secure, and things were always taken care of.

And when there was problems, you guys worked through them together well. But if your parents didn't have that full sense of love and security within themselves, independent of you k? Let's say when you're born, mom and dad's magnet wasn't phased outward to you. Let's say they're instead, they're really focused and they're they're looking for love and safety too. They're not really they're they don't know how to take care of themselves. They don't feel at peace and they can't fully love themselves, their attachment system won't be facing out and they won't be able to love their child the way that a child needs. Okay? I want you to think of their attachment system, their magnet.

Their magnet isn't pointing out towards you. Instead, it's pointing towards themselves and they're not connecting to you the way that you need to be connected to. And they're not effectively giving you love and caring for you the way that you need it. You're In other words, you're not receiving the love and the care and the security that you need from your mom and dad. And babies and children need their caregivers in order to survive. So rather than crawl away to the neighbors when you're not receiving love and attention, you know, you're getting it from mom and dad. Right? But if you don't get this, what ends up happening is your psyche inside, in order for you to survive, because you have this this this attachment system, what's so wonderful is your your internal system, what it did if if mom and dad didn't connect to you well and you didn't get the the consistency showing up all the time, the love, the food, the shelter, the safety, the encouragement.

Your psyche creates the belief that your parents your parents are fine. They're good. But so that you don't leave your parents and be Let's say you're like a 6 month old or 8 month old and you don't crawl away from your parents and and go somewhere else to get love. What your internal system does is it created it has like this, like, safety mechanism where instead what it does is it's not going to say my mom and dad are messed up. You don't have the cognitive ability as a baby to think that. But what you do as a child is or as a baby or as a, you know, toddler and then growing up in life, instead of saying my parents are messed up because you love your parents and you need them to survive, what your magnet does is your psyche, it does is it starts believing that you are the reason mom and dad can't love you. And your magnet, what it does is it turns inward instead of outward.

It says, Mom and dad can't love me. I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking for love, love, love. They're not connecting. What do I do? I need to get it somewhere. It turns inward and it says, Oh, I need to just take care of myself. I need to do it because there must be some there must be something wrong with me that I'm not mom and dad aren't loving me.

And as a child, what you end up believing is I can't get love and safety here with my caregivers. I need to find love and care for myself somewhere. So your magnet turns inward and it decides I'm the person that I need to get the love and safety from. I need to turn inward, look at me. I'm the one that needs to give it to me. But what it also believes here is if I'm the one that needs to give it to me, I'm also the reason why I didn't get it myself. Like, there must be something wrong with me.

There's nothing wrong with mom and dad. Like, they must be great because how could they just not love me? Nothing's wrong with them. Something's wrong with me. I need to just go and get love somehow. And what should have happened, obviously, is they should have just loved you and taken care of you. But because, and you and if you would have got it, you would have grown up with the belief that you're that the world is safe, that there's consistency, that there's stability, that a happy family brings all of this for you.

And you would have grown up feeling really confident and outspoken. Right? And you would have been a great woman. You would have just felt very strong. You would have great friends, great career. You would choose a great partner because you saw your parents love each other. Right? But because experiencing your parents' inconsistent love and care for you, right, you didn't get that, you end up believing that something's something's wrong.

And I'm gonna read my notes because I don't want to I don't want to describe this wrong. Because experiencing your parents' consistent love and care, it helped you believe that you're lovable, that you're worthy, that you're valuable, and that and that others' good treatment and focus, attention, and respect, like you're worthy of it. Right? Mom and dad loves me. I'm worthy of respect. I deserve to be loved. However, you instead grew up in a world where you couldn't trust your caregivers to show up consistently with love, affection, values, conversation, morals, understanding and discipline.

All these things that, that you as a child, you needed and you deserved from your parents. Okay? Or else you will grow up you you grew up believing that a world is not safe and loving. So instead your parents were absent, some of you and for some of the for some of you, the reason this happened is because some of your parents weren't there. Some mom and dad had to work a lot. It wasn't that they were neglectful. They just worked a lot because they were in survival mode. K? Some parents did this because they were absent.

Maybe parents were divorced. Dad was gone, mom was gone. Or parents 1 parent died. Okay? Another way of them being absent is they were mentally or emotionally unavailable. Okay? They didn't they weren't present emotionally and mentally.

They weren't able to talk to you and explain to you and love you. They didn't have that availability for you. They had some type of mental or emotional illness like anxiety or depression. Okay? Maybe they didn't verbally or physically express their selves positive emotions or express themselves to you, so you never heard the words, I love you, I care for you, you're important. Right? Verbal expression is really important too.

Maybe they were neglectful and abusive. K? Maybe they they mom and dad were alcoholics or they abused drugs or in some way, they neglected you deeply, not just by their absence, but with their words and their actions and they hurt you. Okay? Maybe there was a lot of instability or change, inconsistencies like death or illness, or you had to move a lot because there wasn't a lot of money or things like that. Or they had really, really high expectations from you. Like, you need to be perfect or else I'm not gonna love you unless you're great and perfect.

What ends up happening is your internal internal attachment system becomes insecure. It starts believing the world isn't safe, meaning you would you don't have an internal confidence and knowing that you're loved, that you are enough or that you're worthy. Your internal system starts saying, mom and dad aren't loving me. Mom and dad aren't feeding me. Mom and dad aren't protecting me. They're not caring for me. So your internal system, it starts feeling I'm not lovable, I'm not pretty enough, tall enough, smart enough, whatever it is.

I'm not worthy of my mom and dad showing up for me and loving me the way that I need. And this is because, remember, your internal your because your, attachment system, your magnet turned inward and it looked to yourself to to get the love. Right? Like, mom and dad's was facing inward. They couldn't love you because that. Because they didn't love you, you turned inside. Right? Your internal system turned inside.

And now you're like, well, if mom and dad I'm not good enough to be loved, and I'm not good enough to be to be to feed or to provide stability or something must be wrong with me. And if something's wrong with me, then I need to change. I need to find a way to get love somehow. So you begin believing, I just need to do something else and then they'll pay attention to me. Then they'll love me. There must be something wrong. Mom and dad are safe, otherwise I wouldn't be here with them.

So I just need to do something else and then they'll pay attention to me and love me. And if you believe that you're the problem, you also think that you're the solution, right? Something's wrong with me. So Then I just need to change. I'm the solution too. So what happens is you learn to fit and you learn and you figure out a way to get love and security in your first and most important relationship, your caregivers. Okay? And I also want to point out, isn't this amazing, though, that God made our bodies so perfect?

It perfectly in order to survive in a world where it's imperfect with imperfect people. Right? Things happen where our parents were in survival mode themselves, and they were sick or absent or abusive or neglectful for whatever reason. Right? Mom and dad didn't have the skill set to verbally express their feelings, to physically show love, to maybe they the way that they they were just too anxious and messed up, and they they hurt you instead. Right? So God made our bodies so wonderful that in order for you to survive in an imperfect world with imperfect people, that attachment system, that magnet turned inward and said, I'm just gonna figure it out how to do it. Okay? I'm just gonna figure it out.

Life felt really hard, and inconsistent. Right? I want you to think of this. Life felt really hard as a child. It was inconsistent. It was also it was always changing. So what you ended up doing was you just you found love and attention and safety somewhere else or with something else or with some other people. K? As a child, you ended up learning it somehow when you were a little kid. Okay? I want you to think of yourself as, like, a toddler and then as a little a young child.

You were around a a world that didn't feel good. So how did you go about think about this. How did you go about when you were younger to feel safe, to feel loved, to feel secure, to feel protected, to feel like enough? A lot of us maybe worked and had good grades. Maybe we got really quiet and we just stayed quiet. If we got quiet, that's how mom and dad didn't hurt us. Maybe if you just hid and you went to your room and you and you just went away, that's how you felt better.

That's how you felt soothed and you felt like, okay, things are okay. Maybe for some of you, you found comfort in food. Maybe you ate when you ate. You got soothed. Oh my gosh, this feels good. And food now became the source in the way that you felt safe and protected and enough. Maybe you started working at a really young age.

Maybe mom and dad put you to work at a really young age because a lot of us are immigrants, and maybe mom and dad said, listen. I need you to go to work and you're 8, 9, 10, 12, 15. Very young. At a very young age, you learned when I worked, Wow, this brought a lot of safety. We got money. Mom and dad felt happy with me. We got clothes.

We got a home. There was consistency. So hard work made you feel safe and loved. Maybe you soothed yourself to create a peaceful environment, right? So maybe you had to go to your room and you had to soothe yourself in some way. And a lot of these ways is drugs. A lot of these ways is food or just being quiet, not saying anything, not speaking up, doing what mom and dad say, doing whatever.

Follow the rules. Be be a good girl, and then you'll feel safe. Maybe you performed or produced in order to feel seen or encouraged or or celebrated by mom and dad. Maybe you got straight a's. Maybe you you worked really hard. Right? Maybe you performed and you sang and you were beautiful.

Maybe when you were beautiful, that's when mom and dad paid attention to you. Maybe when you're a really skinny, mom and dad paid attention to you. Basically, I want you to see that you found a behavior that helped you adapt to an unhealthy environment, and it kept you safe and getting at least some form of love and security as a child. But what you learned is I have to work hard in order to get love from people I need in my life. I'm going to say that again. Because you did this as a young child, you ended up learning, I have to work hard in order to get love from the people that I need in my life. Mom and dad. Family. Whoever it is. Okay? This happened because the relationship you had with your caregiver, it informed the way you you treated yourself.

So I want you to think of this as like, in other words, the way that you the way that you were treated in relationship with mom and dad, what it does is it ends up becoming the dynamic that you start learning is the way that you need to just be in relationships. I need to be quiet. I need to be loud. I need to perform. I need to over produce. I need to be a good girl. I need to just follow the rules.

I need to be perfect. I need to avoid things. I need to hide. I need to speak up. Whatever it is, I need to fight back.

Maybe you're a fighter. I need to be aggressive. I need to be loud. There was some story that you ended up coming up with that made you learn this is how I gotta be in order to get love or safety or security in my, in my relationship. And this now ends up becoming the dynamic that you will start using in your relationships as you grow up. Your relationship with yourself, your relationship with people, your relationship with money, your relationship with men. Okay? The way that you had to show up in order to get love from your parents is the way that you will believe that you have to show up in romantic relationships.

I'm going to say that again. The way that you have to show up in order to get love from your parents is the way that you will believe that you have to show up in romantic relationships. So if you had to work hard to get love from your parents, this is gonna be the dynamic that you believe you have to have in order to get love from a man. And this is the story that I hear from all of my clients. This is what I struggled with my entire life. I just need to work hard in order to get a relation to to get a guy to love me. I just need to be perfect.

I just need to be beautiful. I just need to be successful. I just need to pick up the slack. I just need to do more. I just need to convince him. I just need to chase after him. I it just it's it there's hard work in relationships.

This is relationships should be hard. There's there's struggle. This is the dynamic that you end up believing that needs to be the case in order for you to be provided for, to be protected, to be loved. And this is why masculine energy doesn't feel safe for you. Because masculine energy, the energy that your mom and dad had, which is protecting, providing, loving, When you couldn't trust mom and dad to show up for you as a kid, you now as an adult, don't trust any type of authority or masculine energy of leadership of a place where this thing is supposed to take care of you. You don't trust this another thing, another person to take care of you. It doesn't feel safe for you.

So you always have this I want you to think of it like you always have this keep people at arm's length because you don't you want them, but you don't trust them. You want love, but you feel like the only way that I'm going to get it is if it has to be hard. So now you have this internal belief that relationships should be hard. There should be struggle. There should be pain. There should be chaos. And it starts it plays into your romantic relationships because what you end up believing, and I made a post about this a couple of weeks ago, you end up doing is you end up choosing men where you have to do the hard work in order for the relationship to work, in order for it for you to get love, in order for you to be with somebody.

You end up believing that you have to be the one to change who you are, to give more or to do more. And only then will somebody pay attention to you and give you some semblance of love. You began believing that when you want love from somebody, it only shows up once you earn it. You have to earn it and then you're going to get love. And how do you earn it? Working hard. You've got to work long hours.

You've got to it has to be a struggle. There has to be chaos. You have to earn it. And it's only when you work hard for love that that's when you deserve it.

But here's what happens. You end up always choosing relationships where you have to work hard, or you sabotage it where it ends up being hard. Okay? And it's a lie. The truth is love from your parents should not have come as a result of you doing anything other than being yourself. Just being there. Being born should have been enough. But remember, your caregivers either weren't there, they weren't focused on you, or weren't able to love you unconditionally for whatever reason. Right? They may have been sick, absent, they died, divorced, their own stuff.

And this isn't your fault and it isn't theirs either. I want you to consider that the reason that they were like that was because something happened to them where they got insecurely attached and they don't know how to show love. They became just like you, insecurely attached and they don't know how to love or give love really well. You had to work to get their attention, and only then did they give you a little bit of them. Right? So this made you believe that you aren't worthy of full attention, of of discipline, of consistent love, of respect unless you work for it. So this created an internal system that is, again, not secure in yourself.

You learn that you won't be loved and provided for if you if you just show up as you are. Like, you it's you're not going to just get love if you just show up just as you. Insecure attachment, also it teaches you that you need to work hard for love. And so you end up choosing partners where you have to work hard for love and you don't trust masculine energy. When you do meet masculine energy that wants to work for that wants to give it to you, you reject it because you don't trust it. It doesn't feel safe. You're like, oh, I remember this.

This is this is this is what I know this is what love is, but oh my gosh. You get scared of it and you end up pushing it away. You sabotage it in some way. Okay? And you only what you end up doing is you search for the dynamic of relationships where you have to work for love. Okay? Insecure attachment can also happen after failed romantic relationships.

If a man or masculine energy betrayed you or hurt you emotionally, if you had a really bad breakup, if you were cheated on, if you were hurt by masculine energy, this can create the lack of trust and safety with masculine energy. This can also happen after a personal loss or a death. So, like, let's say you had a big, big loss, a foreclosure, something big, like, you know, like traumas. I hate using that word, but it's some kind of a trauma, some kind of a of a disconnection of something that you were depending on. This could be a dream. It could be a career, a home, something big that was really necessary in your life and you lost it. This creates insecure attachment.

It creates the belief this makes you believe that the world, others, or you are not safe to trust, to be there for you, to love you, or to keep you safe. I'm gonna say that again. It makes you believe that the world, others, your job, right, or you, are not safe to trust, to be there for you, to love you or to keep you safe, to show up consistently. You're like, I've it never worked before.

Why would it work now? And it creates this inability to feel safe around masculine energy. When and I want you to think of masculine energy again, ladies. This is this is this is the energy that has the ability to provide for you or has the ability to protect you. This I want you to think of it. If you have a job where you're not making a lot of money or where you make a lot of money and it just flies out of your hand and you overspend it, you're not trusting masculine energy. Money is masculine energy.

If money comes in and comes out as soon as it comes comes in your house, you don't your masculine energy I mean, money is masculine energy. And men, guys, men that are ready to love you, that are emotionally available, is that's masculine energy. If you notice that when you get a good guy, you sabotage it and you push him away, you don't trust and you don't feel safe and met with masculine energy. Okay? This behavior, I want you to think of it now with men. So what are you doing instead? You're choosing guys with potential.

What are guys with potential? They can love you, but they don't have their stuff together. They can't provide for you. They can provide for you. They have the house, the cars, the job, and you're like, Hello. You're so perfect for me. Love me.

But they're they're not they don't know how to love you. So it's they're always missing something. Think of the dynamic with one of your parents. Like, I know for me, my dad, he had the capability. He had he was strong, he was smart, but he wasn't present. My mom was present, but she didn't have the love and the ability. I always got one or the other.

This was the dynamic that I grew up with. What about you? My mom was there, but she didn't know how to love me. Instead, she was anxious and depressed and in bed and couldn't take me to school. You know, things like that. Like she was there, but she couldn't love me. And then my dad could love me, but he wasn't there.

It was this it was this dynamic of avoidant or anxious. Like, attachment like, it's we all know if we know attachment styles, I'm gonna link up one of my, episodes down below on attachment styles. K? So you can learn about anxious and avoidant. So my mom was there, she was present, but she couldn't love me. My dad could love me, but he wasn't present. And this tends to be the kind of guy that you you attract.

You're like, oh my gosh. I either get the guy that that's that can love me, but you're like, oh, I don't I he's he doesn't have his stuff together. He's a loser. Like, he just doesn't work or he's not a good dad. He's not a good husband. He's a cheater. He's a liar. Something. Right? He just doesn't have his stuff together.

Or the guy that you're like, oh my gosh. If he only would commit, if he would only choose me as his girlfriend, he would be so good. He has his stuff together. We would be such a good team. And this be this behavior of choosing men with future potential to to love you or or, and you making up the difference by doing the work now, like, so you settle or you stay quiet or you try to fix them or you try to change them, now that is your dynamic now. That you end up choosing men that you're like, He doesn't have enough, but I'll just If I just change, if I just do work, we can We'll make it work. And you end up choosing these guys that you're like, they don't have enough, but with me, if I step in, I'm going to make it work.

I'm going to make up the difference for what they don't have. Look at what that looks like. That looks just like the dynamic that you grew up with. Mom and dad don't have it all, but I'm just going to make up the difference for what they're not bringing to the table. Right? My dad wasn't there. I had to work for it. Right? I had to provide really hard for myself.

What is the dynamic that you grew up with? Ask yourself. And how is it playing out in your romantic relationships? And usually it's the behavior of choosing men with future potential to love you and you making up the difference by doing the work now, this is it's hurting you. Why is it hurting you? It's maladaptive. What does it mean to have a maladaptive behavior?

Meaning the strategy you use as a kid to help you with your parents, meaning I'm going to make up the difference. I'm just going to work really hard and then they'll love me. It's now incorrect. It's misplaced and it doesn't work today. It's ruining your chances at finding mister right in the present. It's also I want you to notice, it's ruining your chances at making money to provide for yourself. Because this is money has masculine energy.

I want you to see the parallel between the two. Money can provide for you. You could provide for yourself, but you're sabotaging it. You're not doing the thing that you need to do. I can relate to this so much, ladies. I wonder if you can. This was the way that I was in my business and I knew what I needed to do, but I always took the hard road.

I always did the thing that was harder. Why? Chaos and hard work was what I learned that works. I'm like, It can't be easy. The easy way works for them, but it doesn't work for me. It's just not going to work for me. I'm unique. I'm special.

It won't work for me. Right? So money was money had always come in a way that was hard. I had to notice though, no, if it works for them, it works for me. Right? And with men, I would choose the guys that I think for me, I always chose the guys that could love me, but they didn't have their stuff together. They didn't have enough. Why? Because I was always the one that worked really hard in the money making area of my life.

Notice if you're a woman that you take care of business, you make money, so you bring the money and you want the guy to just bring the love. And you're like, If you'll only love me, oh, if you'll only love me, I got I I can, you know, all I can I can show him the skills of making money because I I have that really I have that together really well? And so you choose this guy that doesn't that is you make up for the thing that he doesn't have. Oh, he he has his stuff together. Okay. I'll just bring the love. Right? I'll get him to love me.

But this is I want you to notice that it's ruining your chances at finding mister right in the present because you keep using that same model and you're settling for men that can't love you and can't lead you just like your parents did. But here's what I want you to know. You deserve a man that can do both. You deserve a you, a version of you that you that can love you and can provide for you. You can provide for yourself. You can make the money that you need. You can have the career that you want.

But I want you to notice that it's coming because this is happening because you don't trust masculine energy. The moment that you want to lead with your masculine energy that you have All women, guys, I want you to listen to this and really, really listen to this. We're really unique and we're really wonderful. We have masculine energy and we have feminine energy. We need you need masculine energy to lead yourself, to work, to provide for yourself, to take care of yourself. I take a shower every day. I brush my teeth.

I go to the dentist. I work out. I eat healthy. I go to work. I take care of my kids. I don't do drugs. You know, I keep my home clean.

I take out the trash. I provide for myself. I lead myself. I go to church. I read the Bible. I pray every day. Right? I have a leader.

I have the ability to lead myself to do the things that, as a woman, I need to do to provide for myself. But really, what I want you to see here is the leadership part of you provides money for yourself and it provides love for yourself. You love yourself really well and you provide and you protect. The way that you provide for yourself is you're loving yourself and you're bringing money and you're bringing love and money in your life. Right? And you're protecting yourself how? How do you protect yourself?

By not letting crazy bad people in your life. And you protect yourself by when you're sad, you take care of yourself, you soothe yourself, you protect yourself by not putting yourself in risky bad situations, you choose really good people, That is how you protect and provide for yourself.

You have a home. You you you have a shelter. You're not living crazy paycheck to paycheck, crazy hazardous ways of living. That is how you protect and provide for yourself. That is the leadership form of you. But you also have the feminine part of you that loves and soothes yourself and you do this for yourself really well. That is secure attachment.

When you're single, you do this for yourself. You have a job you love. You have a job you're really good at.

You make consistent money. You pay your bills. You provide food and shelter for yourself and you're you provide. And then the other way that you protect yourself is with that feminine version of yourself. The feminine energy is soothing and being kind and talking to yourself with so much love and patience, not beating yourself up. When you do really well, you encourage yourself, like you affirm yourself. I have this, you know, you have really good self esteem.

Self esteem is like you esteem yourself. You estimate your value really well.

You say, What am I worth? I'm really valuable. I'm great. I take care of myself. And because you protect yourself, you choose really good partners. When you can protect for yourself, when you can love yourself, you choose a really great man for yourself. And I want you to note it.

And then when you choose a really great man for yourself, you bring that loving, protecting feminine energy that you would normally provide for yourself to love yourself, and you bring it into your romantic relationship, and you're able to be feminine with your man and let him be the one that when you guys are together, you could still provide for yourself when he's gone. When he goes to work, you have let's say you have your job or maybe you get married and you and maybe you guys decide based on your family dynamics that you wanna stay home and now he's the one that provides financially, but you allow him to love you and you're still loving yourself really well and you're protecting yourself. What's a way that you would protect yourself with a man? You have high standards. You have boundaries. You don't let a man abuse you. You don't let a man cheat on you.

You choose a man that can protect and provide and is, you guys have the same values and you choose a man with great character. You choose a man that if you have kids that loves your kids, that's a great father. You choose a man if you're if you're spiritual, if you're like me, you choose a man you know, I want a man that's Christian, that's that's aligned with me. We have the same values. We're going the same way and you're able to protect yourself by choosing great people, choosing a great man. You choose great friends. You choose great relationships.

You protect yourself in that way. And I want you to notice, if you're not doing this for yourself, if you don't have that strong masculine leadership to provide for yourself, and you don't have that strong feminine leadership to protect and love yourself by doing that, speaking lovingly to yourself and choosing people in your life that treat you with love and protection too, you don't trust masculine energy. Masculine energy doesn't feel good. You don't do it. You're not able to do it for yourself and you're not able to get people that do it for you. You're not able to feel safe with masculine energy. Okay? And I want you to notice that if you're doing this, life feels really hard.

It's the symptoms that I gave you in the beginning. Right? You're working really hard.

You don't let yourself rest. You choose really janky men because you don't think you're not protecting yourself. You don't you're not choosing the good guys. You're not choosing guys that, that are actually gonna take care of you. You choose guys that don't protect you, that don't provide. You're always choosing the guys that you gotta work hard for. You don't let yourself take a rest. You don't let yourself do it easy.

You don't believe there's an easy way. You believe that there's only chaos. That there's only that easy is boring. That easy isn't gonna work for you. That easy is bad. You get turned off by the masculine. You're like, I could do it.

I wanna be in control. And the reason you do this is because you don't you don't trust masculine energy. Mom and dad weren't there for you, or at some point masculine energy hurt you, and now you don't trust it. When it when there's somebody who wants to protect and provide for you, even yourself, you don't trust it and notice. And this has I noticed this is a lot, this has a lot to do with with women. If you don't trust God, if you don't believe God's love, if you don't receive his his tenderness and his his, mercy, his grace, his salvation, If you don't allow God to provide for you, if you don't if you're not able to trust God, this is not trusting masculine energy. And if you don't trust it, you're not going to get the benefits of masculine energy.

What are the benefits of masculine energy? Feminine rest, feminine following, feminine sitting back and just receiving. You live in a world where you don't get to just relax, rest, let somebody take the lead and let somebody do for you. Even if you I want you to think of this, ladies. If you're a business owner, if you are an entrepreneur, because I know a lot of you guys are entrepreneurs, If you're a coach, if you're if you're a therapist, whatever you are. If you are a business owner and you don't allow yourself, if you have chaos in your business, if you don't allow systems, if you don't create systems in your business, if you don't create automations in your business, if you don't hire help, if you have feast and famine cycles, this was me. The first couple of years of my business, I worked 16 hour days.

I did not hire out help and I did everything myself. And I had launches that brought in money and then I would spend it all. It was like I didn't trust myself to provide and just let things be easy. I created a business that was really, really hard. If you have work like this that's really, really hard, if you don't let yourself rest at night, if you don't let yourself take vacations, if you don't let yourself have the ability to trust that things will work for you and you don't implement things that Investments, automations, things that can provide for you and protect for you while you are resting. If you don't allow yourself rest, you do not you literally don't trust masculine energy. And I know you want to rest.

I know you want to take days off. I know you want a boyfriend. I know you want a husband. I know you want a beautiful partnership. I know if you're if you're sabotaging relationships, if you always find something wrong with a guy, you're super picky, you're really avoidant, you stay at home, you isolate yourself, you're overeating, you're gaining weight, You're not allowing yourself to feel comfortable or confident with a man. You're not allowing yourself to to trust masculine men and you're choosing these feminine beta guys. I made a post about this today.

So if you're listening to this in real time, this episode will go live on July 30th. And if you're listening to this in real time, I made a post today that said, Feminine women want masculine men, not beta men. Oh my gosh. I got so many comments on it from men, and women on threads. So many people were activated by it, but so many people understood it because they understand that when you're in your feminine, you want a man to take care of you. You allow it. Why? Because you believe that you deserve it.

You believe that you are worthy. You believe that you don't have to do anything extra to deserve a man that loves you, to deserve the masculine energy of protection and provision and safety and consistency. And that's what you want.

I know you want this. This is what I work with my clients for. And if you feel this way, it's because you need to create secure attachment within yourself. You need to find the parts of you that got hurt, that were wounded, the parts of you. You have to you have to understand the love blocks that you have internally that are made you believe that masculine energy can't be trusted, that masculine energy can't provide, that masculine energy can't love you, that you cannot rest, that it's not safe to follow people, that it's not safe to receive, that it's not safe for things to be easy, that it's not safe for things to be calm and quiet and just easy every day. If life feels hard and and really difficult, you this this is the work that you need to do. You need to create secure attachment within yourself.

And once you heal that internal system and you become securely attached within yourself, what ends up happening is you trust yourself to provide. You love yourself enough to provide for yourself, to protect yourself. What ends here's what ends up happening. You end up choosing amazing, amazing masculine energy partners and you allow yourself to be in your feminine with a man, you stop attracting these losers, liars, and little boys. These guys that have potential that one day will love you because you have to make up for the the absence of what he can't provide. Right? Choosing men with potential let me look up this quote because I wrote it down and it's like so important.

I really believe that you guys need to hear this. The belief, when you pick a man with potential or pick a man without masculine energy, okay, with the ability to fully protect and provide for you, It's because you're betting on who you are to make up the difference for who he isn't. I'm going to read that again. When you pick a man with potential, or when you don't love yourself with masculine energy and feminine energy, you're not loving yourself and you're not protecting yourself. You're not providing for yourself and you're not protecting yourself. It's because you think that you need to make up the difference for that for masculine energy. You're like, I don't trust masculine energy to provide.

I'm going to pick a man that doesn't have enough and I'm going to be the remainder. I'm going to work hard for it. I'm going to do all the work that that he can't do. And I know you don't want this, so what ends up happening what you need to do is you need to build secure attachment. Remember, when you were younger, you got a you have you built an insecure attachment system. Mom and dad taught you that. Your magnet turned inward.

What I want you to see is when you're securely attached to yourself, you love yourself. You trust yourself to provide. You trust yourself to pick a good partner. You trust yourself to protect yourself. You trust yourself to make a lot of money. You trust yourself to have a great job that you love. You trust yourself to do all the good things for yourself like take vitamins and lose weight and work out and rest and receive, receive all the things that you need from yourself.

When you are securely attached, can I just tell you the benefits? You make more money.

So much more money. You work less. You will get a career that you love. You choose masculine men. You feel so over loved. Instead of feeling under loved, you feel like you have such an abundance of love in this world. Like you're overflowing.

You can follow and you will be able to trust a man. You will trust your intuition. You will listen to your intuition and you will hear it and you will act on it. You will love your career. I think I already said that. You will have a lot of time freedom.

Oh my gosh. Talk about time freedom. You will never feel like you're rushed. You will never feel like you don't have enough time to do things. Time literally will feel like it moves slow. Chaos will not be normal. You will never have chaos.

When you see chaos, you will reject it. Easy will feel amazing. Easy feels normal to you. And chaos feels bad. You will stop sabotaging romantic relationships. You will again, you will attract masculine men and you will repel the losers, the liars, the little boys, the guys with potential. These guys will feel disgusting to you, sweetie.

You're it is gonna transform your taste in men. I want you to know that when you are securely attached, when you love and trust yourself to provide and protect yourself, you will never choose a guy with potential because they will ick you out. It literally transforms your taste in men. You will see a guy that all he does is party, all he does is have nice things, but he only does it because he cheats on girls and he wants to get a bunch you will be like, gross. Get away from me. You won't even entertain those guys. Why? Because you will protect yourself from those men because you love yourself, because you have secure attachment within yourself.

You will be able to receive love. You will be able to have friendships. You will get out of the house. You will not isolate anymore. You will have hobbies and interests. You'll save money. You'll invest money in yourself. You will trust yourself to follow through with things. You will have goals and you will achieve them.

The list goes on and on. Ladies, I did this work for the last couple years and it has transformed my life. You will you will it's transformed my life. I've been able to and I know you know you guys may notice this in my in my life. I grew an amazing relationship with God. I now receive his blessings. I don't walk around with anxiety and depression every single day when that was the case for me.

I make a lot of money. I do Here's the biggest thing that I want you guys to notice. I stopped attracting guys with potential. I stopped choosing men with potential. I only allow and choose men, masculine, wonderful men that protect and provide, I can spot a potential from a mile away. I don't even entertain them. I'm like, get away.

I don't feel bad about about saying no to people. I'm not a people pleaser. I didn't realize this, guys, but I was such a freaking people pleaser. I had no idea. I had no idea until I did this work, until I became securely attached. I now also the biggest thing for me that I think is the most wonderful thing is that I have allowed myself to have the career that I love, the schedule that I love, I make the money that I love, and I work with the women that I love, and I solve the problem that I love. I used to have a coaching I've always had my coaching, practice for the last 5 plus years, But before and I did it, I had a business where I worked with women, but, it after a while, I started realizing when I started becoming more securely attached, I was like, I really wanna work with this type of woman.

And even though it scared me, I'm like, I really wanna work with women to help them with romantic relationships. I want to help them become securely attached. I want to help them choose masculine men. I want to help them get rid of this horrible protective, defensive, masculine, controlling, energy that you have and really soften up and allow you to be the mother. Oh my god. That's the other one. You'll become such a great mom.

Oh my gosh. I wanna cry just speaking about it. You will you will if you don't feel like you've ever wanted to have kids or you hate kids, a lot of this is because of the of of masculine energy because you didn't have that loving parental love. You don't know how to do it until you get scared of having kids. If you're somebody that feels that way and you really know that you want kids but you don't trust yourself, this will help you. You will become the mother that you've always wanted to become. Always. Always. And your relationship with your mom and dad will get better if they're here.

God bless them. You can love them with so much more compassion and empathy, and you'll make more money, and you will just more than anything, I want you guys to see that my for me, I was I've now been able to create the love that the life that I actually love, the career that I actually love, earn the money that I actually need to take care of me and my children. And I do it from a place before I did it very selfishly, I wanted success. I wanted the titles. I wanted the bags. I wanted the follower. I don't care about any of that.

I'm like, I just wanna serve and I wanna work with amazing women, and I don't have the fear of money where money never feels like enough. I used to feel that way. I would make, I would have $100,000 launches, ladies, and I would freaking lose all the money within months. And money was never enough, and I do not feel that way anymore. I always feel like I have more than enough, even when money gets low and I'm like, Make it right away. Like it has transformed my relationship with money and myself and my relationship with my children. These these five areas, if you want to have a great relationship with your children, a great relationship with yourself, a great career, a career that you love, if you wanna have a great relationship with money, if you want to accept God's love and and safety and salvation, and really have a real relationship with God, not just like, I'm Christian or I'm Catholic, and you want to have and attract a masculine man as your partner, this is the work that you need to do.

You need to get securely attached. And if this is something that you want, I invite you to click below and join the waitlist for my group coaching program, Segura. It means it's Segura. That's how you'd say it without in Spanish. It means confident. It means certain. It means safe. It is.

It helps you create that secure attachment that you need in order to fully love and trust yourself, to protect and provide for yourself when you are single, and it helps you become that feminine woman that you need to be soft and flexible and follow and receive from a man and attract a masculine man. If this is something you want, I welcome you to this program. I'm opening it up in almost in about a week. So if this is something that you know that if I described you in this and your understanding and about, Wow, I don't trust masculine energy.

Masculine energy hurt me. My mom and dad weren't there for me. I was money I couldn't rely on money. Money, I somehow broke my relationship with money. I somehow broke the relationship with myself. I somehow I had a bad romantic relationship and I don't trust it anymore, but I want to trust the masculine energy. I want to trust God.

I want to feel safe in my body. I want to feel safe everywhere I go. I want to feel abundant. I want to trust myself, my intuition, my thoughts. I want to speak kindly to myself. I want to provide for myself. I want to have a body that I love.

You need this program. It is a 6 month program that I will explain a little bit more once I launch. But ladies, if this is you, click below, join the wait list now. This program is for you. It is not going to be crazy 1,000,000 of dollars expensive. It will be affordable for you. I promise you.

It is going to be the best money you will ever invest in your life. And trust me, when you do this, when you join Segura, it's going to create secure attachment. That step alone is going to create so much secure attachment in yourself. I have so many clients that have told me, and the hundreds of women that I've worked with, just working with you and about just signing up for a program, I already felt like, oh my gosh, so much more love and security for myself because I knew that I was taking care of myself. If you can't invest in yourself and you can't do things like this, like have a coaching program, have a coach, join have a mentor because you don't trust masculine leadership. You don't trust a coach. You don't trust somebody like this to love you and care for you and teach you.

But if you do do it, I want you to see that just doing just joining alone without even doing any of the work, it's going to make such a profound difference in your life. And I invite you, if this is something that you want, I invite you. This is something that I know you need. You need to be able to feel masculine and, access that masculine energy, which is that ability to provide and protect yourself. When you're single and independent, this makes you not feel like, Oh my God, I need a man. I need a man. I'm an ageist.

I need a guy. This cures that. You will feel so happy and secure within yourself, single, that you are going to just attract a man because you're going to be radiating love and joy. This program's for you. I know you need this. If you're listening to this, if you've gotten this far, this program is for you. Join the wait list.

This is going to give you first access to 1 join at the early bird stage, which is a discounted price. You're gonna get access to VIP pricing and, the bonuses. So you want to be the first ones you want to be on this list so that you get notified when I when I open. This list is going to get notified before anybody in the world.

I have a lot of followers, guys. You will get first access because this group is going to be small and intimate. I have a number in my mind that I want, and that's I want it small because we're going to be doing it live together every week. Okay? It's going to be curriculum. It's community. It's a private community.

It's weekly coaching calls. It is amazing. So if this is something that you want and it's speaking to you, I want you to listen to that call. I want you to listen to your gut and see that this is that part of you that knows that it needs it. Join the wait list. This program is for you. I cannot wait to see you inside.

I hope this spoke to you. I will have If you're listening to this, there's going to be, a link below that's going to describe this program or, like, why masculine energy feels unsafe to trust. There's a link below. There's a freebie. Click that so you get it all written out.

So you have it. So you could read it. There's also the transcript to this episode.

It's below too. So if you wanna read everything that I just said in this podcast, there's the transcript available for you. It's a Google Doc and you can read everything and you can have it. So you can look it over and just listen to it a couple times. And if this really resonated with you, I wanna recommend to you, listen to this, podcast episode a couple times.

Listen back to it. Catch the parts that you maybe you missed because you started thinking and comparing and and which is so good, your mind will, like, take you to your own personal things. Listen to this a couple times. And then lastly, send this to somebody that you know needs this, that that you can recognize by some of the symptoms that I shared. Wow. Yeah. My friend, she's Or maybe even a guy, she They don't trust masculine energy.

They're not trusting it to They're not trusting, that ability to protect and provide for themselves and they need this for themselves. Share this with somebody. I really, really, think that it it will help them and and they'll love you for it. So click below, join the wait list to say gurah. I hope this served you. I love you so much. God bless you.

And, if you have any questions, please feel free to DM me. Contact me, on Instagram or just my email, And I will see you next week. Have a good one.